The Problems

This is a critical time for the humans living on the earth. It appears to be the beginning of the breakdown of our old civilization under the pressure of population increase, and poor resource utilization procedures. Specifically, we are facing five critical problems:

  • We are polluting the air and changing the climate and the oceans by allowing our wastes to accumulate in our environment.
  • We are running out of the energy we use the most (oil and gas)
  • We are running out of jobs for the coming generation.
  • We are gradually using up our retirement funds (social security, for example), so workers cannot count on being able to retire as planned.
  • We are running out of fresh water and land to grow food on.

Clearly we are having problems because we are depending on the pool of resources provided by nature and man and then returning our resultant wastes to nature. In those areas where the population is too high for nature and man to provide the resources and recycle the wastes in a timely fashion, we are having oscillating superabundance and scarcity problems. This problem is experienced both in nature’s resources (water, food energy and wastes), and man’s resources (jobs and retirement funds). The resource generation and feedback mechanisms cannot match the demand for their use.

 One might ask if it is possible to live in a new area or a new way with new equipment that would allow a family (or individual) to live well and yet avoid having to exacerbate these five problems or, better still, to aid in solving them. A research organization called Aquater 2050 LLC was started to consider this problem,

 This chapter (sections AP1.1 through AP1.10) will address how a family can remove itself from the competition for naturally produced resources and provide its own fundamental requirements. Thus it can enter into the middle class and live well without stressing mans or the earth’s natural resources.

The Evidence

The evidence for the existence of these problems is strong and growing stronger. It will be detailed in the ten papers that follow (AP1.1 through AP1.10).

 Is Action Required?

There is a political argument about how much can and should be done for each problem. These problems have such severe consequences, however, and they impact so heavily on our lives and planet livability, that we cannot ignore them. They are beyond politics. Something must be done for each of them.  All this will be described in the ten following papers.

The Solution

Through years of research and development, it has been found that it is possible to live in a new way and build the required new equipment to solve these problems. The new way is to live is on the sea, and the new equipment is a seagoing vessel called the SEMAN. It has been named the SEMAN because it is a Seagoing Energy Module with Automatic Navigation-stabilization. Thus the SEMAN is an attempt to make a self contained living unit for living on the sea. This unit provides a:

  • Means of sequestering wastes, especially carbon dioxide
  • Means of harvesting and converting energy into a useful form for sale on land
  • Means of dramatically increasing the availability of middle class jobs
  • Means of saving and investing the funds needed for retirement
  • Means of purifying water and growing food

This SEMAN is an ocean going vessel that harvests energy from wind, waves and sun, sequesters carbon dioxide in sealed packages in the deep ocean using part of this energy, desalinates seawater and grows food with hydroponics. The prototype SEMAN is currently under construction using simple, inexpensive construction techniques available to the common man, and is about 95% complete (see “SEMAN prototype”, this site, bottom of the home page for pictures). A detailed description is given in the ten papers that follow (AP1.1-AP1.10).

 Calculations show that the SEMAN does provide a potential means of overcoming the five problems for an individual or a family. It will be shown in the ten papers that the SEMAN may be able to provide food, water and an income of about $80,000/yr for an individual or a family to pay the mortgage and provide repair parts for the SEMAN and also yield some luxuries. This option may be open for a significant number (~550 million) people. It will, of course, be necessary to test these methods to be sure that they work well enough to make a profit and do not accidentally cause environmental damage.

 An organization of SEMAN users is also being worked out called the Aquater Alliance. Payment for these people’s livings is done by transferring the money earned from the sale of the energy, waste disposal, food and water from large entities (countries, property owners, corporations and rich people) to individuals (SEMAN owners and workers). This capability appears to be possible without degrading the environment. In fact, the environment can even be improved by use of this SEMAN (see AP2.0).

 It is obvious that what this vessel is doing is making a family independent of the natural systems of the earth and man by providing almost all of its needs (for exceptions, see AP2.7). If enough people can be removed from the earth’s bio systems by this method, the earth might be returned to its natural balanced state-the goal of the environmentalists.


Our civilization is facing five critical problems that threaten to disrupt our future progress, but there is a technology under development that appears to have the capability to solve most of these problems for an individual or a family. This technology is based on the SEMAN, an ocean vessel designed to:

  • Sequester carbon dioxide in the deep ocean.
  • Provide clean energy to replace oil, gas and coal.
  • Provide new jobs.
  • Provide an alternative retirement to relieve the stress on retirement funds.
  • Provide an alternate source of safe drinking water and food.

The test of this concept is a SEMAN that is being constructed with simple, inexpensive construction techniques and then will be able to provide food, water, energy, waste disposal and about $80,000/yr less mortgage and thus accomplish these five tasks for an individual or a family. All this is to be done without causing environmental damage. If this prototype SEMAN is a success, the concept will be a success for all who decide to live on the ocean and use the SEMAN because it will provide a living for them. This technology will be described in AP1.9, AP1.10 and AP1.11 below. In AP2.0, a description of the potential use of this technology for solving the five problems for all of mankind will be given.

 It is obvious that what this vessel is doing is making a family independent of the natural systems of the earth by providing almost all of its needs. If enough people can be removed from the earth’s bio systems by this method, the earth might be returned to its natural balanced state-the goal of the environmentalists.

 How this task is to be done for an individual or a family is summarized in the ten papers that follow (AP1.1 through AP1.10). These papers will all be given on this site in the months that follow.