The Problem

In a recent speech, President Obama spoke of the struggle to obtain conflicting goals, namely:

  • Take steps against global warming-i.e. Reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Replace fossil fuels with new sources of “green” energy.
  • Save the jobs in our existing industries.
  • Make new industries that provide good paying, middle class jobs.

The conflicts are obvious. Clearly, the way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is to reduce carbon dioxide emission. But the primary emitters are autos, aircraft and electric power stations. Shifting from mostly fossil fuels to mostly land based solar sources (solar cells, wind, corn, soybeans etc.) is impractical because solar sources are too expensive and good energy production sites too scarce for solar to replace fossil fuels. This is not to say that we should not continue to shift to solar wherever economically feasible. It only says that land based solar will never provide more than 15% to 25% of the US (and world) energy. In addition, there are far too many jobs and vested interests in gas, oil and coal (such as fuel, auto and aircraft production) to expect this industry to bow and disappear gracefully even if a practical solar solution were available. What is needed is a new industry that can provide a means of removing and sequestering carbon dioxide from the air and a new “clean” energy production scheme that can replace fossil fuels over the long term, so that existing industries can have time to become accustomed to a new reality. This new industry should also provide lots of jobs. Note finally, that this process must happen in a timely fashion to minimize the environmental damage during the transition.


The Solution

A small company, Aquater2050 LLC, is working on a program to place ocean based wind turbines, wave generators and solar cells on the high-energy areas (wind speed >15kn) of the oceans.  Calculations indicate that roughly 200 million vessels that harvest energy can operate profitably in these high-energy areas and it is expected that in fifteen years, enough will come on line to have significant impact. Such vessels are non-polluting and inexpensive. The harvesting apparatus can be operated on one platform or vessel (called a SEMAN) to save capital expense. The cost per KWH of the energy they produce is estimated to be ~$0.03/KWH. Wind and wave turbines are the primary energy producers. Solar cells are expensive and consume so much surface area that they can provide only a tenth of the generated power, so they have only a backup roll. The vessel can be moved to find optimum operating conditions, so the Load Factor (fraction of daily time on line) is ~0.85 to 0.95. The owner is expected to be the operator, and the SEMAN grows its own food for the operators, so overhead is saved. Much of the energy produced will be converted to fertilizer (with a ready market on the land), which then is sold for operating expenses and profit. Later, gaseous and liquid fuels will be produced and sold on the land. It has been estimated that a gross annual income of about $80,000 results-well within the middle class income range. Estimates also show that 200 million SEMAN can provide all of the energy needed to replace the fossil fuel used on earth at the present time with room for growth.


There is also an excess of energy, so some can be used to freeze carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, package it and sink it to the bottom of the ocean where it is sequestered for a very long time.  It has been estimated that 200 million SEMAN can sequester all the carbon dioxide currently being emitted on earth plus a modest excess to reduce the amount currently in the atmosphere. Cap and trade laws can be used by SEMAN to sell carbon dioxide emission rights from old, polluting industries. Thus the earth can be protected from existing industries that emit carbon dioxide.


Note that this program has the potential to provide a new industry that can remove and sequester all the carbon dioxide from the air currently being emitted and provide a new “clean” energy production scheme that can replace fossil fuels over the long term. Existing industries can continue to produce carbon dioxide and have some time to become accustomed to a new reality, thus saving many old jobs. This new industry can also provide 200 million to a billion new jobs. Note finally, that this process can happen in a relatively short time to minimize the environmental damage during the transition. The short time to operational capability is possible because the production facilities for the SEMAN already exist. There are many boatyards (for small boats) around the US (and the world) that are capable of building SEMAN. Further, the unemployment situation in the US (and the world) is such that SEMAN builders and operators are readily available. All that is necessary is to have a prototype available to show boatyards how to build them. Finally, the prototype is about 95% complete (see and pay $7 to see progress). Funding for this program is provided by the company owner, and the people who will gain from it and so decide to pay $7 to become members of the “Aquater Alliance” (see Money over and above that required to finish and test the prototype will go to a fund that will provide loans to build SEMAN for people who cannot afford to build them themselves.



So you see President Obama, you can have it all, namely, it is possible to:

  • Take steps against global warming-i.e. Reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Replace fossil fuels with new sources of “green” energy.
  • Save the jobs in our existing industries.
  • Make a new industry that will provide good paying, middle class jobs.

Furthermore, you can have it without an expensive government program, because Aquater2050 LLC will complete this program regardless of whether or not the government decides to help. The only issue is timing. If the government wants to speed up this program, there are things it can do. Otherwise, the results will happen in Aquater time pushed along by Aquater2050 LLC and the $7 members of the Aquater Alliance.




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